Friday, February 17, 2012

A Day in the Life of an 8 Week Old

Here's the newest addition on "A DAY IN THE LIFE..." series. :)
Once again I find myself wondering how my baby girl is almost 2 months (sunday!) We have had some excellent days and excellent stretches of sleep! Here is a glimpse:
1115P: I feed Vivi one last time. I swaddle her before we nurse so I don't have to wake her up. She still sleeps in her bassinet in our room. Put her to bed at 1130p.
705A: Vivi starts to stir. I get up and nurse R15mins. and change a poopy diaper. Nurse L12mins. Put her back in her bassinet.
945A: Change wet diaper. Nurse R10 and she falls asleep again. (**This is a change for me to get breakfast/shower and possibly get ready, depending on whether we have plans to leave during the day.)
11A: Change wet diaper.
1115A: Come downstairs. Put Vivi on her playmat while I eat. I put some laundry in.
1145A: Tummytime
12P: Nurse L15. Rock and burp-catnap on my chest.
1P: Change wet diaper. Playtime on the mat while I run back and forth to finish laundry. Snack on protein bar (homemade--Gluten free and soy free!)
145P: Load up Vivi in the baby bjorn. Vacuum and dust whole house and gather the trash. (**If chores don't need to be done, I would run errands or we'd leash up the westies and head outside.)
245P: V fell asleep half way through chores. Feed her R10. Change dirty diaper and feed R5.
315P: A little bit more tummytime. Talk and sing-V falls sleep @ 350p. I eat leftovers for a snack. Gene gets home @ 415p, gets a quick workout in. (**Thank Goodness for a home gym!)
450P: Nurse L22. Then it's Daddy time! (**This is MY TIME: I either shower, nap or workout!)
615P: Dirty diaper. Play in rocker. Fall asleep on Daddy until 650p. Bathtime when she wakes up from her catnap.
7P: Nurse R18. Change wet diaper. Play on mat. Sit on Dad's lap-kick and coo.
825P: Vivi sleeps in newborn napper while Gene & I watch TV and relax.
9P: Nurse R18. Change dirty diaper. Nurse L10. Head upstairs. V hangs in the swing while I get ready for bed.
1030P: Change wet diaper. Swaddle and nurse L20. Rock and put her in her bassinet with the rain on full blast (sound maker--best invention!)
1115P: We go to bed--hoping for a full night sleep!

**I think this was a 2 or 3 outfit day....I tell ya, even if a diaper is on snug, leaks happen! :)

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