Friday, March 5, 2010

80 in 50.

Yesterday marks my 50 day countdown. 50 days, I will complete (at least) 80 workouts. Now, those aren't all crazy lifting sessions or high intensity workouts, but they are workouts that I will make C.O.U.N.T. call me crazy, but I've already done 4! :) :)

Sooooo, I'm taking progress pix this Sunday. It's getting closer and I'm getting more and more excited. The point I'm at right now is basically where I was at my last show. (uhhhh, if that says anything about my conditioning for my last show....) ANYWAY, I will keep plugging away, doing the work, and can't wait for April 24th!!

I'm tracking all 80, starting with yesterday:::
#80-H.I.T.T. on the tready followed by LEGS workout with Nicole. (yowzaa) *3/4/10*
#79-45 min. cardio circuit (stepper, ellip, tread) at Studio with Janelle *3/4/10*
#78-45 min. upperbody & yoga in Schwetty's *3/5/10*
#77-45 min. TurboKick at Studio *3/5/10*

Off to check the Arnold results!!!

have a fab weekend! I'll be posting #76, 75, 74 and 73 by Sunday eve! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Rock it don't stop it!
EM :)

1 comment:

  1. Just getting caught up... So lean already and the FAB attitude that just doesn't quit. Love it and Love you. Go get 'em Em.



Hey guys! I love all questions and comments!!! Love ya!!